Women are dreaming of being someone else. They are from a young age told to find a role model to strive to be like. Problem is, most women have now taken that same concept into their adult life. Most women don't learn to just find others who they may glean wisdom from to become stronger, confident,Christians. Instead most women are still looking for the person/people they think are good role models (or people they envy and wish they were) and they are trying to be exactly like them through and through.
This is a wrong way of teaching and a wrong way to think. Though many of those women may be flattered you find them to be so intriguing and inspiring, deep down they would pity you that you don't have a better model to look up too. (don't get me wrong there are women who would let this go completely to their heads too, but I hope those are not the types of women you are seeking to be like anyways)
If I ever found out someone wanted to be like me I would seriously laugh at them. Not because it's not a compliment that people say they wish they could be me, because it is. It's always flattering to hear someone say they wish they could be more like me. Or wish they had my life. But deep down I feel bad for them.
The truth is I want those people to not be anything like me. I want them to aim higher. I want them to have such a relationship with God that it makes mine look like kid stuff. I want people to have a heart for God that causes them to be a much better Christian and example to the world than I am.
I want people to be so enthralled in their own life in Christ that they realize he is the role model they want to be most like. I want them to have such a relationship with Him that when walking with Him one on one He will guide the heart to know exactly how to become that person He created them to be, instead of looking to someone to try and be exactly like.
If we had a heart that was truly devoted to God and serving and pleasing Him we wouldn't need to want to be someone else. We would be happy with exactly who we are and who God made us to be. We aren't suppose to be replicas of anyone other than Jesus Christ. That may look different for each person. God created us all different with different talents, different genes, different frames of minds, different back grounds, and different personalities.
The only thing that should look identical in all Christians is the love portrayed, other than that everything is different.
If God wanted you to be exactly like the person you envy and wish you were He would have made you them.
Embrace who you are in Jesus Christ. It's time to find out who you are, not who your friends are, not who the popular girl in church is. It's time to embrace loving yourself where you are at, where He placed you on this earth. The point is that none of your circumstances are like the person you look at and wish you were. None of your life will ever be like the people you envy because we are all so uniquely different there is no plausible way to be them.
The other truth of the matter is that you have no idea who they really are behind closed doors. You don't know who they where in the past and the struggles they went through to be were they are today.
Part of what you envy isn't their style or their popularity what you envy is their confidence, the sincere truth that they are confident in who they are. Those people love who God has created them to be and they have embraced it and are living it. They have stopped trying to be someone they aren't and become happy with where God has placed them and who He made them to be.
You can't be someone else's identical twin. You have to be you. God wants you to reach different people than the girl you envy and think is so popular and overly loved in the church. God wants you to reach the people He places in your life. You may be the only light of Christ some of those people are ever going to see.
Some of the people God wants you to influence don't see miss church popular as a light to them they may not even know or care who that person is. If you are busy trying to live in miss church popular's shoes you are going to miss all the opportunities God brings right to your door step.
He brings the exact people He wants and needs YOU to witness to and to be the encouragement to others who may need you to disciple them on their walk.
You may never be the popular girl in church. You may never be a Beth Moore, or Lisa Bevere or some other famous female speaker/author. You may never get recognition for anything you do for Christ while on this earth. If you are living your life for Christ, for his happiness, then you will find that no amount of 'atta girl' is going to make you feel any better or worse from those around you. When you get to heaven you will be happy just knowing you made the King of Kings happy.
Stop living hoping that the other people in your life will embrace you, love you and want to hang out with you or think you now fit with them. The truth is; you never will fit with them the longer you run from who you are. The only time those people will seem to embrace you, is when you figure out who you are, not the type of person you think would impress them.
And when you finally fit in with those people you won't care and you won't even notice because you will be happy living for God alone.
Be you!
Be unique!
Forget about the other Christians around you that you once thought you could never be. Get that right on out of your head because you are right! You can't be them!
You can only be you. Find it! Embrace it! and Go out and LIVE!!
And, if you do feel the need to have a mentor, which those are good to have, make sure you do pick someone God has for you. There are plenty of wise, Christian women out there who make wonderful mentors.
These are not people who are going to teach you to be like them but they will teach you wisdom that comes from age (that does not mean they are old, they may just be spiritually older, or sometimes stronger) and from God. If you feel the need to have a role model (which is not a bad idea if you can refrain from trying to be their exact replica) ask God to bring you one or two people in your life that will be that shining light of wisdom and guidance that He wants added to your Christian walk to make your relationship with Him stronger.
The point in a mentor is to help guide you to be closer to God, not guide you to be just like them. A good mentor knows you are both so uniquely different that they can only encourage you and build you up closer to the Father, and that is their sole purpose.
Let God be the guide of your life, the love of your life, the light of your life the rest of life's details He will work out for you.
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