As a Christian woman I have found myself time, and time
again caught in a trap of constantly doing.
The first time I realized this after I surrendered my life
back to Christ almost 4 years ago I found myself doing things because I knew
that serving was what God called of us. But, truth be told I also knew that
serving meant being on the front line, in the spot light, where I made it look
like I was doing my part.
I backed out of ‘serving’ when I realized I was serving for
the wrong reasons and with a wrong heart.
I didn't serve anywhere for a while because I was busy
having babies and stuff after stuff came up. My schedule was jammed with things
to do. I was still doing stuff to keep my spiritual life looking busy.
But, again there was the emptiness of the servant heart.
And as time went on I started serving again in our church
and community.
Why was I so adamant about serving? Well one, we are called
to serve. But two I just wanted to be used!
You see I wanted so badly to prove to God how much I loved
Him. I wanted so bad for my prayers, that God would use me in mighty ways for
His kingdom, to come true.
You could say I was more or less trying to force the hand of
God to use me. I was so desperate for God
to use me and to fit somewhere that I didn't care how full my schedule was to get to that point.
I didn't care how
much time I had to spend away from my babies or husband. I was in hopes of being
used and finding where I fit. Many times I ignored that voice inside of me
telling me to “slow down.” Because of
course only Satan would tell a strong Christian woman to slow down.
That small quiet voice was right all along. And truth be
told we all know it wasn't the devil trying to slow me down.
Many of us have been where I have been. Many of you reading
this still are where I am at. You want God to use you so badly. You have gifts
for heaven’s sake! Gifts given to you by the Most High God! Why wouldn't he
want you out and about using them?
The truth is, many of us who are young moms are looking to ‘fit
in a spot’ so bad that many times we don’t heed that voice that tells us to
slow down. The voice that says it’s ok to take a break. We don’t listen when
God says, “Time to stop teaching and just sit, listen, enjoy!”
I’m going to be very candid with you today. If you are serving somewhere in your church or
your community and you have a young family that is showing all the signs that
the life you are forming for your family to live isn’t ideal for everyone in
your house;
That’s right! You need to take a break! Take a breather from serving! There will be opportunities for you to serve later. Your first ministry is to your Husband, then your kids and then others God brings to your path.
That’s right! You need to take a break! Take a breather from serving! There will be opportunities for you to serve later. Your first ministry is to your Husband, then your kids and then others God brings to your path.
If you want God to use you so badly that your body aches for
it then be still, and listen to His voice. The one that says, “it’s not your
time yet.” Or “Look to your family first.”
God is using you! If you told God that you are all His and
you are fully committed to serving Him wherever he asks, then you need to be content
serving Him where you are! You need to be content serving Him where He has
placed you!
Your spouse needs you!
Your kids, they need you! Yes they
need you more than they do that Sunday school teacher! (Shocker I know!!!)
Now, does that mean God isn’t calling you to serve somewhere
in the church or community?
Nope! I am not saying that at all.
There is a good chance though that He is going to ask you to
do something that will not make you feel like you are dying inside when being
pulled away from your family. He isn’t going to ask you to serve somewhere and
leave your kids and husband at home upset day in and out that you are once
again too busy to serve them or even be with them.
Your number one ministry is to your spouse and then your
kids. If those two things are not in proper order then there is a good chance
God is asking you to step back and focus on the Ministries that He has given
you as your number one priority!
Don’t think that being a stay at home mom, or being a wife
who stays home with her husband every night to hang out is not glorifying to
the kingdom of God. God is using your marriage and your kids to reach further
than you can see.
It’s time to take that break. Make room in your schedule for
the people in your life who mean the most. If it is important for you to still
serve then find something you can do as a family. If you want your kids to see you
serving others then do something where they can actually see you doing it, not something
where you walk out the door and they just know you are gone again.
family that serves together stays together!
A family that prays together stays together!
Here is a new one for you:
The one who serves alone is the one alone!
There is a time and a place for all your gifts to be used!
Right now, God is asking you to let Him do the placement of the when’s and
Time to clear your schedules! Time to minister to those in your life God entrusted to you. The rest of your desires (the gifts and passions you are dying to use) will be fulfilled when you focus on fulfilling the first desires God placed in your heart years ago before you had that husband and those lovely kids. (remember when we had those as our hearts desires?!?!)
Time to clear your schedules! Time to minister to those in your life God entrusted to you. The rest of your desires (the gifts and passions you are dying to use) will be fulfilled when you focus on fulfilling the first desires God placed in your heart years ago before you had that husband and those lovely kids. (remember when we had those as our hearts desires?!?!)
I am being very frank in my writing today. I am because I
have been there. About 4ish months ago I heard that it was time to step back.
Time to take a chill pill! Time to stop trying to force God’s hand. And I
stepped back with a lot more than I thought I would ever let go of. I have to tell you friends, there is more freedom with each passing thing I
gave up.
My kids, they aren’t quite so naughty ;)
Snuggle time doesn’t always seem rushed or forced because I
feel there is too much else to get done.
I actually have time in my schedule to go get coffee with
friends or people who actually need me!!
My house, IT’s CLEAN!
My devotion time, it happens!
My Laundry is caught up each day!!!
My husband, well he seems rather content and happy to see me
and not always be on the run.
And most importantly, my relationship with God has become so
full and real and transparent and wonderful that I can’t even express it all!
I actually get to sit and relax and enjoy my life because I
listened to the voice of God!
I have freedom to sit on my front porch and not care as I rock away hand in hand and talk for hours with my hubby. And the best part is I don’t feel bad about it! (we refer to that time as “being old together”)
I have freedom to sit on my front porch and not care as I rock away hand in hand and talk for hours with my hubby. And the best part is I don’t feel bad about it! (we refer to that time as “being old together”)
I am happy and joyful and content just knowing where I am at
in life is exactly where God has placed me.
There is nothing wrong with being
still instead of constantly being out.
Time to stop forcing a way for God to use you and just enjoy
the presents God has given you!
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