Sunday, January 11, 2015

Feeling Overwhelmed? Ask for help!

And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. ~Matthew 10:1

As women we strive for perfection.
We desire to be considered one of a kind, unique, irreplaceable.
We want to do it all!
We want to rule it all!
We act as though we have to prove our worth to the world (especially now that we work with men on equal playing fields).

Though I am sure women have struggled with this ideal way of living since day one, I believe the longer the human race exists the worse this idea becomes.

We wear ourselves thin. Wanting to have control of everything. Yet, somehow we feel like we are in control of nothing. We don't give ourselves breathing room or grace or allow ourselves the need to be helped. We require room to be human, but never allow ourselves to actually be human.

If we take a sick day most of us think the world we live in would collapse without us in it.

But here in Matthew 10:1 we read that even Jesus sought help from others who followed his leading. He didn't try to do everything on his own. He allowed those who were closest to him, who followed his leadership whole heatedly, to have the same power He did to do the same work He was doing.

Jesus was God's Son, He could have done anything, Right? I'm sure if God wanted Him to He would have found a way to make Him touch everyone at once. Truth is; Jesus was limited inside a human body only able to do so much and be in so many places at one time,and Jesus knew that.

So, in order to reach more people He taught those who followed His leadership how to do the same. He empowered those around him to be able to fearlessly do what He did. He lead by example, showed them how to do it and then entrusted them to go do it.

If you are overwhelmed, feel like you can't ever catch a break, or think the world is going to fall apart without you in it for even one day then try finding someone or even a few someones who understand your ideas and goals and delegate some of your tasks to them.

Don't take the world on alone!

God gave us people of like mind and heart to achieve the same goals we are set out to do. Enjoy the freedom of knowing you have people beside you who want the same goals as you. That is your team.

 It doesn't mean people think less of you because you need help. Infarct, most will think more of you for being honest enough to know you need help. These people still look up to you, you just motivate them to become active in reaching a goal.

Stop thinking you are alone and have to do it all yourself.
Good leaders know how and who to delegate the tasks to get the job done to attain like-minded goals.

Find your team and relax a little more, enjoy the company of teammates, and enjoy celebrating success with more than just yourself!

Jesus was the most successful leader ever! If He sought out help then we definitely need it!

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