Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Falling in love- after I got married

Love is something that many of us just don’t get. We don’t understand it. We think it’s all about butterflies, shooting stars and orchestra’s playing in the back ground when we kiss every time. 
The truth about love is it’s really none of those things. Sure they may happen in movies but in reality love is about sacrifice. The greatest love you’ll ever know happened from a sacrifice that God put in place.  He sent his own son to come here to die for us because he loved us. There were no shooting stars when it happened, no orchestra playing romantic music in the back ground and no butterflies.  The truth is the sky went black as night, people shouted blasphemy the whole time and the only things flying around were probably flies and vultures.
In this picture of love, it was the greatest love ever given to us. We didn’t deserve it! The same goes for relationships even here and now. Our marriages, boyfriends or other loved ones shouldn’t have to ‘prove’ their love for us. Honestly, I don’t deserve an ounce of the love my husband gives me. Don’t get me wrong I’m so thankful that God has given him the ability to love me, but I am so undeserving of it more than I am deserving.
My husband is awesome. Sure, he makes mistakes (he’s only human) but he sacrifices a lot for me. He sacrifices time, money and tons of effort to make sure our relationship works. Now, when we first got married I did not even care that most of this happened. I will put it out there. I was so selfish. I wasn’t even in love with him. I was in love with the idea of being in love. I was in love with the idea of being married. But honestly, and he knows this, I was not in love with him.  It’s sad, so sad I know but I learned so much from it. He was doing all of these things for me because he loved me, he seriously fought for our marriage.
I kept telling myself he didn’t love me that if he loved me he would be doing so much more for me, that he would fight for our marriage that he would do everything I wanted him to. I thought that there would be shooting stars and romantic orchestra music in my mind and that in all terms of romance he would be that wonderful guy.  The problem was I wasn’t living in reality. I knew that those things happened in fairytales but eventually real life would take over and that stuff wouldn’t happen every day.
When we started going to church and we both started living our lives for pleasing Christ and not others I really was struggling with myself internally because I knew that I wasn’t in love with my husband the way I should be. I wasn’t even sure I loved him all that much.  Sure I liked him and I could tolerate living with him and he was a great guy but, love, that one just had me stuck.  So I prayed and prayed and boy did I ask God to ever change my heart and my mind in the way I saw my husband.
A couple weeks into my desperation for God to change my heart regarding the way I looked at my husband and felt about my husband it dawned on me.  I saw him doing all of these things for me just simply because he loved me.  I had never noticed all the things he had done for me and for our child before. Yes, I will admit I was that selfish.  Sure prior to this I knew he was a great guy but in all honesty I really didn’t see him doing enough for us. But, in the long run he was doing way more than enough. Who was I to think he needed to fight for me? Who was I to think that the world and our marriage should revolve around my happiness?
In that moment it dawned on me ever so clear.  Love wasn’t about what he could do for me to get me to fall in love with him. It was about what I could do for Matt to make sure his happiness was fulfilled.  I stopped trying to be so selfish. I tried to make sure that I did my fair share of helping out around the house, and making sure he got him some alone time too and I started sacrificing things I wanted so he could have some things he wanted. I started actually fighting for his happiness. It was different than I had ever thought. When I started doing things for him because I was concerned about his happiness I realized that the more I worked and strived to make him happy and content the more I fell in love with my own husband.
There was no real defining moment of shooting stars and butterflies and rainbows and all the romance but there definitely was a day when I woke up and realized that I really had finally fallen in love with the guy I married. He was a great guy and I knew that from the start, but he became an even greater guy than I had imagined when I let go of my selfishness and started trying to actually love him. I stopped focusing on what he wasn’t doing for me and instead I started focusing on what I wasn’t doing for him but what I should be doing for him.
There still isn’t always romance in the air, but I do see it much more now than I did when I was the selfish one in the relationship.  I hear so often women who are like I was, saying that their husband’s aren’t doing certain things that they need to in order know that they are loved.  Here are my thoughts to that, start doing things for him and you’ll learn to find ways to love him, ways in which you never dreamed possible.  Stop looking for the fairytale and help write a new love story that would make the fairytale seem like a child’s dream because in all honesty that is what a fairytale is.  You have the ability to make a love story far greater than you’ll ever see in any movie.  You just have to stop trying to make your life a movie.  Man made movies and the dreams in those movies, and God can make so much better than that if you just surrender the idea of what you have and let him fulfill his dreams in your love life.

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