"Some people never change." We've all heard that line. And usually when we say it we are using it to cut someone down. But truth is they didn't change to our liking or our standards or the way we think they should. We all are constantly changing, and growing, and learning. It's called life. No matter how badly you don't like someone's choices it doesn't mean that they are a bad person or haven't changed, it just means you think they made a poor decision, yet again! Who gave you the right to decide for them what was right or wrong for them to pick?
Just because people don't do the same things exactly the way you think they should, or they don't do them to your liking doesn't mean that they are stupid and constantly making poor decisions. Maybe they have changed and the decision they made was the right one, or even if it was still the wrong one it was a better decision than what they would have picked a year ago.
I just love hearing people say that about someone and then try and tell me how nonjudgmental they are and they accept everyone for who they are. No, you don't! If you totally accepted people for who they are then you would accept them on their level and stop expecting them to reach yours. (which I might add that person may not like your decisions either.)
When you aren't judging people your mind is open, you love unconditionally and you stop thinking about how that person could change just so they can fit your liking. I love listening to the stories of how Jesus was. Now that man was nonjudgmental! Imagine that! The man who never committed a sin and never made a wrong decision was the least judgmental of us all! This guy was sin free, yet he hung out with 'the worst of sinners," he even went and partied it up with them on a regular basis. He partied hardy with the people who needed a change the most in their lives, the people we would say make the worst kind of decisions.
Jesus didn't go to these parties to be a jerk and stand in the corner going, "oh yup that one's going to hell." or "yup that one could really use a huge life changing experience." Nope Jesus wasn't like that. Jesus mingled with them, talked to them and reached out to them on their level. I use to wonder why the Bible never went into a lot of detail outlining the talks Jesus had at those parties. But, I think it's because Jesus, being super smart, knew that actions speak louder than words. Just being at those parties, showing up and hanging out with those people on their level and not being judgmental about their lives was the most effective way Jesus could help them see the light.
Jesus never walked around those people with his nose stuck in the air slightly higher than it should be (though he did have a right if he had wanted too) telling them to watch him because he was how they should live. He didn't constantly point out where these people were flawed and where all the self-righteous people thought they could improve. He knew these people knew that stuff already! He knew that they felt judged by those people daily, adding more judgement to them would only make them stray further away from the truth of God's love for them.
Ever find if funny that some of the only people Jesus did speak straight too about how to act and change were the people who thought they were awesome in their faith, the leaders of the Jewish faith? I think it's hilarious that Jesus only felt it a necessity to speak openly and confront those people rather than the people who were 'breaking all the rules.'
It's time to stop trying to make sure everyone else changes to your liking and meet them on their level. You may be surprised to find that you may have to step up a few notches yourself to actually reach their level. For they may not be as bad inwardly as you think they are once you take the time to really get to know them and spend time with them with an open mind and nonjudgmental heart. And even if they are as bad as you think, Jesus didn't ask us to show his 'like' to everyone, he asks us to show his love.
Jesus met you on your level, and does every day. It's time to stop judging the world around us, even fellow Christians, and allow Jesus to meet those people on their level. Showing Christ love and compassion to all on a regular basis is what we are called to do. The changing part is up to God. And even if those people never change their ways to what you think they should, doesn't mean they don't have a pure heart or that they haven't made a significant change. It may just mean you need to let them be who they are. If they need to change, let God do the heart convincing. If you feel the need to truly change, then pray for them, maybe God will open your eyes to you changing your own heart on how you view them. The only way to change a person is to ask God to change the way you view them. Ask him to open your eyes to see them as he does, righteous and blameless.
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