Monday, April 28, 2014

The ruin of prom night

So it's prom season again!!! YAY! we get to see our daughters and sons go to a ball and get all dressed up for an evening to have a great time. But wait...

Are your daughters really going to think prom night was so fun in 2 weeks, a month, or in 10 years when the guy who they went with took their innocence? Is the fun and expectation of prom night going to be ruined by high school hormones?

Prom night is a great time. I loved dressing up, getting all dolled up. I still love it!

But parents, stop being so stupid! Stop encouraging your daughters to wear dresses that show way more skin than they should. When you buy that dress that is just a little too huggy, a little too low or both it encourages boys to be what we call 'boys.' They can't help it.  They are by nature attracted to the body parts your daughter owns. Boys will be boys especially when encouraged to do so.

Instead of allowing your daughter to pick a dress that is showing off just how gorgeous your daughter's body is by leaving little room for imagination, teach them to pick dresses that are flattering but not showing off their cleavage and thong lines. There are several beautiful dresses to pick from that are going to make her look just as much a princess and in many eyes even more of a princess than the girls who wear too showy of clothing.

We get upset when boys have one thing on their minds but yet as parents of daughters we don't put the reigns on what we let our daughters wear. There is no need to show that stuff off. Teach your girls to respect their own bodies, to love their curves yes, but to do so with modesty so that sex is not on the poor boys brain all night instead just enjoying each others company, laughing and showing each other real respect.

I have a little girl so I get that we want our daughters to be the bell of the ball when we help them pick out those dresses. But, when picking out those dresses lets teach them that being the bell of the ball isn't about showing it all, it's about class, dignity and self respect.

I also have two little boys and when they get older I don't want them being tempted by hormonally driven girls all over their high school who disrespect themselves thinking that getting attention because they have boobs is necessary. I get those girls will always be around and I won't be able to stop everyone but I do hope and pray my sons will find girls to take to those events who's parents respect their daughter. Girls who have learned self respect and who have been taught that being classy is about how you carry yourself and treat others, not what you wear or how quick you open you legs for a guy.

I get this whole post is probably old fashioned, annoying to many and too grandma ish. But I know for a fact that many women out there, who are in their 30's and 40's, when being open and honest will openly admit that the romances they had in high school were not something they would redo. There was no understanding of what Love and Respect really were.

 Let's teach our daughters to be the princess they are inside. Show them how to have beauty on both outside and inside. Let's teach them that it's ok to have self respect and stop teaching them the only way a woman can find any form of importance is through being excepted by the men around us finding us sexually attractive.

If you want your daughter to remain a virgin help her learn to dress to respect, not to gain attention from others so they dream of her at night when they go to bed. Teach her to not show off her sexuality but her beauty!! Stop saying you don't want evil of sex to ruin your daughter if you are going to dress her to attract attention from men all over the world. Your daughter is beautiful in those princess dresses but she is beautiful when she is in sweats and a t-shirt too.

Keep it classy people not slutty and all about a night of sex. Send your daughter off in confidence so you don't have to worry about bad things happening to her that night. Help her dress so you aren't sitting up biting your nails off in worry that she went 'too far' to say no. Teach her while she is young the real meaning of class and being a beautiful princess. Teach her it's ok to look pretty without needing to be sexy. And teach her to find men that treat her the way she deserves, with dignity and respect, not just looking for a warm body.

not a real princess

A real princess!!!
Let her enjoy life and teach her the way to live it without regrets, and limit her hurts by protecting her heart while she lives under your roof. God has charged you as parents to teach her and protect her. Let's encourage our daughters to find her real beauty!