Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's Time...

It’s time…
Time to let go
Let go of holding on
Holding on to bitterness, anger, hate, sin

It’s time…
Time to give up
Give up pretending
Pretending that it’s all ok, that I wasn’t really hurt by your actions

It’s time…
Time to move on
Move on from the pain
Pain which I have let eat me alive and steal my happiness and joy

It’s time…
Time to forgive
Forgive you and me
Forgive you for your past and forgive me for my own.

It’s time…
Time to wake up
Wake up to the Hope
The Hope found in Christ that He has for me

It’s time…
Time to embrace
Embrace who I am
Embrace who I am as forgiven and set free

It’s time…
Time to be free
Free from guilt
Guilt which comes from regrets in my past

It’s time..
Time to Learn
Learn how to go
Go forward with the next step to life with Hope

It’s time…
Time for Joy!
Joy that will last a lifetime because of the freedom I have found in letting go of regrets of the past, embracing myself knowing I am forgiven by God and myself.  Joy that comes when making the choice to not let the things of this world ruin the hope we carry for a better tomorrow.

It’s time to choose to be joyful, in all things. In order to have that we must truly find a way to reach into the things we don’t understand and forgive those who have wronged us. We must know and believe that God has a purpose for the pain. We cannot hold onto our past in anger and in pain, keeping it hidden and feeling sorry for ourselves. We have to make a choice to forgive, only then can we find a way to heal, to be used and go on with life in a manner that is not keeping us in a depressed state of mind. When we forgive you can find the ultimate Joy you are looking for.

Do not give Satan a foothold. (Ephesians 4:26&27   And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil)There is a reason we are told to forgive and not let the sun set on our anger, because then you give Satan a foothold to grab on in your life. He will take anything he possibly can find as a way to ruin you. Too many Christians are great at actually forgiving a stranger or even a friend but you need to forgive the people who you think screwed up your past just as well, that may mean your family or possibly yourself.

Move on, God does want you to love those people even with their past. He loves them! He doesn’t want you living in the pain of the past. He has so much more for you and you may just need to let go so God can really use you in the future. Pain hurts, yes, but not forgiving someone makes the pain bigger and even harder to get over. Forgive and let go. You may not have strength on your own, but you can make the choice to forgive and God will help you find the peace and joy that you’ve been missing because you do not have it when you do not forgive.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Words women cringe at: Submit-respect

O.k. So most anyone who knows me knows that I have a H.U.G.E issue with the typical topic of wifely submission. I mean we hear about it all the time in church. We hear how we are meant to submit, that we are to do things our husbands way no questions asked just do it. We are to respect our husbands and many times it comes across as nothing shorter than a form of the man owns you as a piece of property to do with as he wills. It sounds like ultimate slavery, it doesn't sound like a life filled with any sort of pleasure or fun or even excitement, romance and love as we hope for. Honestly if most women thought this was the way marriage was to be we never would have gotten married, because a marriage like that becomes lonely.

In truth the talk we hear on submission is something I clearly say is like beating a dead horse. That ship has come and gone a thousand times and I laugh at most men inwardly who even choose to try and discuss it, because lets face it they wouldn't want someone to tell them to act the way they are telling us to act. And wives and those who wish to ever be wives, I couldn't agree more, this topic is way to abused. But I am going to write about submission in a different light, submission that I believe to be true, from God, untainted submission that both brings in respect for your spouse and also in turn a true lasting love in marriage that isn't without romance or a life of boredom.

 My husband and I have had this talk many times and my husband has even said, "If you were to act like those people have described they think their wife should submit I would have never married you, at least not without punching you in the face and making you talk." My husband is a mellow person so no he does not harm me at all, but this also shows how admit he seems to be against this idea the typical "Christian" male brings to the table when discussing such a topic.

In truth I agree 100% that when we submit we are giving our husbands the respect that is actually talked about in the Bible that we are to give our spouse. I love reading Proverbs 31 (go ahead and take a read quick you'll enjoy it). In this chapter of the Bible this woman is known for her fear of the Lord, she is known for not just respecting her husband but also bringing him respect from others. It also talks about the ways in which she lives. She runs the household smoothly, she makes wise choices, words of kindness are there. There are so many things that she does, for her children, her maid servants, and her husband. Her children and her husband rise and call her blessed.

Her husband praises her, he is not ashamed of her and he is respected in the city gates. Those are some big things I take away from this passage and strive for to bring to my husband and our marriage. So here are a few steps to help build a respectful and even submissive relationship with your husband without falling over the edge and feeling trapped as your husbands slave.

1) Talk well of him to others. When you say good things about your spouse and nothing negative EVER, not even to your best friend or his, you lift him up. This means even when you are fighting keep it to yourselves! If you need a place to clear your mind or get a better perspective make sure he knows you just need a person to talk to about it that way he doesn't feel he is being rejected. Make sure it's a person he trusts to not judge him. There is nothing worse than feeling like when he is with you and your friends that he doesn't belong.

2) Talk with him. Do NOT, repeat DO NOT talk at him! There is a big difference between talking with your husband and talking at him. When you talk at him there is a loss of respect. For one it shows him you have no room to let his opinion matter. Two when you talk at him it usually can eventually feel condemning like he isn't good enough. And third, when you talk with him instead of at him it's easier to resolve the conflict you may have with him or something he has done. He is more apt to find a way to fix and deal with the problem than become defensive and angry and not want to change a thing.

3) Be gently honest. If he asks you for an opinion be honest, with gentleness. There is a difference in just letting your tongue go and saying "well it's the truth." or "if the shoe fits wear it," sort of mentality. If you want to keep that place in his heart that he gave only to you and you want it to grow, not harden, don't be mean. Even if it's something you feel needs to be said say it in a way that shows you respect him. Think before you speak so you can plan your words to come out as encouraging not degrading so that he knows you have his best interests in mind.

4) Stop criticizing him. That is a hard one for many of us. Even if we do not complain about him to our friends we often have a hard time not criticizing him to his face or thinking bad things about him in our minds. When we ponder inwardly what we are upset about it then eats at us and causes us to get more angry with him. Find positive things to say, not fake positive, no one likes a fake. Tell him he looks nice in his shirt, or that you like the way he helps you out around the house. And do the compliments without adding on a but, or a could you now do this for me? Often times as women we are quick to say a compliment then follow it up with a, but I wish you would do this. Or "You look so nice today thanks babe, would you mind taking out the garbage this morning like I asked you to last night?" Just leave a compliment as a compliment and let him soak it in like you enjoy when he does it for you.

5) Be open to him and that means, yes to all accounts where your brain takes you on being open. No one wants a wife who refuses to be intimate him  mentally, physically and emotionally. He married you because he loves all of you, so get over yourself and enjoy being pampered by the guy who wants to have it all.

6) Remember that when he is not with you, you are resembling him as well. Even if you are not talking about him at all people are going to either think highly of your husband by the way you act or they are going to think negatively about him.. You want your husband to feel honored to have you by his side, honored you are his bride. There are few greater feelings of pure happiness for me than when my husband has told me he feels way more confident in public when I am by his side than when I am not there. If you are an embarrassment in public places he is going to feel less confident of who he is when you are there with him. So carry yourself with dignity, respect and love. Speak kindness to all those you meet so that he can be proud to call you his wife at all times, not worrying that you may have privately offended someone.

Now, I have only been married almost 7 years. I am no expert on marriage, but I have found that there is a difference between just doing whatever my husband says, which is what I literally tried to do the first few months of our marriage (anyone who knows me knows this is NOT my personality so that failed miserably) I soon thought I was a failure of a wife because I had an actual opinion on stuff and I felt the need to share it. Your husband, if you can learn to talk with him and be open with him and real and not condemn him, will be more open minded to hearing your ideas instead of feeling like he is never good enough, like he never is allowed to have an opinion or that he is always wrong in your eyes. If he knows that you have wisdom(which we have all been blessed with at least in some small amount), and he knows you have his and your best interest in mind, he will be more open to seeking your advice and sharing in making decisions together.

If your husband has heard your idea and he has chosen to take a different option then as a wife it is not your job to tell him what an idiot he is for making that choice. This will go against all grain of natural character but it is true. If he knows you can stand beside him even when you don't always agree and he knows you trust him to make the right decisions for you and him and your family then he is more likely to come back to you and ask for your opinion the next time he needs it or desires your input. Do NOT hang anything he may have screwed up over his head the next time he comes to you. The point in submitting is actually the point of respect. When you respect your husband you extend grace to his mistakes and you forgive.

And never, never never never, (Get the picture?) Never NEVER NEVER NEVER ok so NEVER EVER say something like this, which I have often heard, "when he starts loving me the way Christ loves the church I'll start treating him with respect and submitting."  Truth is ladies, your husband is NOT Jesus Christ. Jesus may live inside your husband and may influence your husbands decisions but your husband is not on this side of earth ever going to be an exact replica of Jesus Love to the church when it comes to how he treats you. Let's face it Jesus is God's Son, He is the only one who is fully able to comprehend the kind of love He has for His church.

As far as what some people portray what they think submission is, they need to take a new look in the Bible and read again. Submission works only when there is a true respect. Forcing a woman to be submissive the way some men talk about is just not even close to loving, it is degrading and they treat their dogs better than that and it earns them little to no respect. But, as women, we are shown by Jesus Christ how to submit. Jesus was open always with the Father God and He followed his orders right up to the cross knowing and trusting the Father to have it all planned perfectly for Him. We can follow Jesus example of submission and know we are following the one who submitted himself best of anyone. If we can resemble Jesus Christ to our husbands in turn they can and often without knowing it, will also treat us more as Jesus would with love, just like we want.

Don't play the blame game of I don't do this because he doesn't blah blah blah. If you want to have the true Biblical sense of respect for your husband the way God commands then we must learn to put our husband first before ourselves and our selfish I am always right moments.

I am not an expert in always treating my husband 100% with this type of submission. I am as human as any other woman. I like being right, I occasionally loose my cool and temper, I am not always kind and I don't always have my act together. I do not always practice the way of talking with my husband instead of at him. But I can say the longer I have been married and the more I work on these types of showing submission to him the happier I have become because when I am doing the right thing I have let go of my selfish desires to do things my way and attempted to put him and his happiness first knowing God is leading my husband and I have to trust his leading.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The perfect mom for your kids is YOU!

This is to all you Mommy's who are stressed out, overly self cynical, self-doubting, and constantly over comparing yourself to other Moms.

You need to take a breather! You need to sit down! Relax! Get off social media for a day or two! Get off pinterest! Get your head out of other people's homes! And Embrace your babies, those cute little cuddly bundles of joy that seem to be growing up faster than you can think. Stop! STOP comparing yourself to the world around you with what they think a good mom is and just be who YOU ARE!

God created each of us ladies to be something uniquely different. We are all special. We are all different personalities and traits and back grounds. We all have different ideas and we all have different skill levels. But yet somehow many of us fall into a trap of comparing ourselves to the women and mom's around us. Thinking we will never measure up to them. But you want to know something cool?! You are RIGHT you won't! You aren't them! You never have been, never will be. You don't have their past, you don't have their present, you don't even have their future! How awesome is that? That means you are free to go about being YOU!

Your kids want you to be just who you are. You see God intended YOU to be the exact parent to those specific children. Your friends, your mother, your mother-in-law, your sister, your sister-in-law; they may all be great mom's or replicas of good moms but that doesn't mean they were the right mom for your kids. If they were the right mom for your kids then God would have given them your kids and not you. It's ok to embrace who you are, to be exactly the kind of mom you want and were created to be; imperfections and all.

This means that just because your mom had a spotless house while you were growing up doesn't mean you have to have one just like it. Or just because your friend has a home that looks like it came straight out of a Better Homes and Garden catalog, doesn't mean that you are suppose to too. Every one of us moms is just as different as every one of our kids. For instance, one of my good friends she is such a neat freak! Love her to pieces, but I am not a neat freak. She even apologizes for having a messy home when on a good day of mine my home is never that good looking and organized and she thinks her house is a mess? Does that make her a bad mom? Nope! Does it make me a bad mom because I am not that organized? Nope! It just means we are different. Not only is she in a different phase of life right now but she is also a completely different person than I am. I'm ok that her home looks good and she is comfortable living in it. But I also don't care if her home is messy or clean I wouldn't even notice the specific cleanliness to her home if she never mentioned it to me.

As a mom in today's world with pictures of our friends homes being paraded around in-front of us on every social media site thinkable we often have a hard time not comparing ourselves to them. From house cleaning, to cooking and baking, to raising kids and even dating our spouse we often can see where we may lack on the awesome meter. Frankly it can be super degrading if we constantly find ourselves looking around at everyone else's life. But let's be real for a second, most people only post the fun times on Facebook and twitter no one posts the bad pictures where the kids are crying more than they are smiling. They don't post photos of them and their spouse when they are in a heated argument and they don't post pictures of any dinner that they burned and the McDonald's they had to opt for because their kids were starving and they were done trying to be awesome mom!
      turns into

We all see it everywhere. We all compare on a regular basis to everyone because we want everyone to think we are just as awesome all the time as we see portrayed in-front of our eyes.  But here is a little secret. When people tell me they look up to me as a mom, wife, or any other aspect I see it as a compliment but I also don't want them doing that. Why? (this is my secret) Because I don't have it all together! I don't have all the answers for me and my family let alone the ability to help someone else really pull theirs together. If you lived with me as a fly on the wall you would see the truth of my life. I freak out on my kids, I have screamed at them but I also love on them with hugs and kisses.  I am not the perfect wife or homemaker. I am far from the picture perfect idea of a good mom. But, I have learned to embrace that I am who I am. And guess what?  My hubby and kids they love me no matter how good I am at cooking or cleaning or keeping up with Mrs. Jones. I am far from a perfect mom. I don't do craft projects with them anymore for the simple fact I am a perfectionist at craft time and if it doesn't look like I would do it then I get overly frustrated and yell at them, which turns craft time into not fun time.

See my talents don't' lie in teaching my kids crafts or drawing. I can't teach them things like that because it's overly frustrating for my brain and then when all is said and done I feel terrible for having pushed my kids to do something my way, they are gloomy because they upset me and didn't mean too and tried their hardest and frankly I just don't do it. It's pointless to try and do projects because it is more fun to just get out he color crayons at my house and we can all color our own pictures and spend time together that way. It doesn't make me a bad mom because I don't do crafty things, personally I hope it makes me a wiser mom for finally realizing it's pointless in our home and it saves on hurt feelings and angry words being said. I have learned to accept the fact that I can't change my personality, meaning craft time probably will never happen at my home, and frankly I am ok with that. My kids are not going to grow up as unable to enter society just because I decided to save them from crabby moments of crafting projects.

However, on a good note, I can bake and I love to do baking time with my kids. I love having them help me. But the cool thing is I know another mom who can't figure out how I even let my kids in the kitchen let alone help me bake. It doesn't make either of us bad mom's we are both just given different skill sets.

The point here is that we are all different. As mom's we all need to embrace who we are. Not look and see that everyone else has it together or Martha has a cleaner home than Mary. We need to realize that while we were busy doing stuff with our kids and they become who they are suppose to be the other mom's are busy doing what they are doing for their kids so they can become who they are suppose to be. Each mom has their own set of abilities and those children need those abilities to become exactly who God intends them to be while on this planet. Be excited you are not the same as your friend.

It's time to start being ok with you, stop being embarrassed of who you are when you look in the mirror and you don't see the reflection of a neat, well organized, always on time, perfectly made dinner every night, best tempered mom. Instead find out who you are, find out what works best for you. And though you may find other peoples opinions and ideas to work for some things don't forget to put your own twist to them. No one has all the answers for raising your kids, keeping your home, how to cook the right foods, and how to make it all work. We all lead different lives, with different people in them and different circumstances surrounding them. Find out what works for you and your family and go with it. What makes you and your family function to the best of it's ability is what is right for you.  And trust me the whole of what you do will NEVER be the exact same for anyone else, that is what makes your specific family unique.

It's ok to sit back, relax and breath a bit. Your children will thank you, your spouse will thank you and for sure your own heart will thank you. Stop trying to keep up with everyone else's ideas of who you should be and just be who you are. It will be the most rewarding thing you have ever done for your family and for yourself! Your kids NEED you to be YOU not an idea of what you think everyone else thinks you should be. The perfect mom for your kids IS YOU!