Monday, January 23, 2012

Children standing up for Jesus

Yesterday was one of the best days I have ever had teaching a Sunday school class to children.
All the kids were sitting down to color a picture and a little girl decided to tell everyone that, “Jesus isn’t really real.”  The room went dead silent. I looked up along with the other teacher in the room and I asked her what she had said, thinking I probably just misunderstood her. So she repeated it again but with much more sincerity. “Jesus isn’t real! My mommy and daddy told me he’s not real.”
I have never been so proud or impressed by a bunch of little boys and girls standing up for their faith to someone who opposed Jesus. The first little boy looked right at her and said, “Jesus is too real, I know he is I talk to him all the time.”(so proud of this little boy because he is usually one of the shyest kids in the room) Then another little boy in our class who has gone through so much the last 6 months said, “Jesus is real he made me better.” At that point the rest of the class jumped in to help defend their, “Jesus.” So cool to hear a bunch of 4&5 year olds share their faith and why they believe Jesus is the real thing!
She didn’t say anything back once they all started talking to her about how real Jesus was. I hope she really took to heart some of the things those kids said to her.  Though I never want to stand against a parent and how they choose to raise their children, I do hope that she went home wondering if her mommy and daddy just might be wrong this time.
Very happy to know that what we’ve been working hard at teaching these young minds really is sinking in and they do know the difference between what is real and what is fake.  “But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18: 16-17

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