Thursday, March 13, 2014

What If?

What would happen if Christians lived the way God intended them to?

What if Christians were to stop being scared what others thought of them and just live Jesus day in and out?
What If Christians weren’t worried about showing too much Jesus and scaring people away instead we were worried about not showing Jesus enough and keeping people from heaven?
What if Christians were to walk the walk even at home in their private life and not just when the people of the church were there or when it suited their purpose to throw a “that was for my Jesus” to make ourselves look good?
What if Christian’s goals in doing good deeds were to make sure we were bringing glory to our Father in heaven not to our own earthly name?

What if Christians actually took the Bible seriously that when we ask the Savior of the world to enter our lives we actually change and can do all the things that we read about other Christians from “back then” do? You know like casting out demons, healing the sick, helping the lame walk and actually having enough faith to believe that we have God right with us always every second of every day and He wants to shine His glory through us Christians by performing those acts in which we have the power to do through Jesus Holy name.
What if every day Christians got up not worrying if our day was going to be full of trials but woke up with a sword and shield and ready to face our day with a smile because we know WHO wins the war and we are on His side and He is on ours?
What if Christians stopped pretending that Satan isn’t out to get them and realize he is and we need to be armed and ready to fight his fiery darts that try to catch us and scare us back into silence about our Jesus?
What if every morning Christians woke up and jumped out of bed and chose each day to live for Jesus every second of every day you were in a relationship with him including when things get busy with getting kids off to school, running those thousands of errands or even just showering and brushing our teeth?
What if Christians wake up every morning and the first thoughts of their day is a prayer given to God instead of grumbling or complaining it’s already morning and you need more sleep?
What if every morning Christians faced Satan head on being mean and reminding him of his destiny not constantly allowing him to remind us of our past?
What if Christians stopped condemning each other, talking dirty about each other and were deliberately nice to each other building one another up instead of tearing each other down? No more name calling, back bighting, gossiping or trying to make sure we look like we are better than one another.
What if Christians actually acted like Jesus being firm but honest with the people who do religion for a show instead of to help others who need to know there is a Savior just wanting to love on them?
What if Christians joined hand in hand and started a real revolution to save the world from hell?

What if Christians stopped talking about revival and pray for a revival in our own hearts to truly be 100% sold out for Christ not worrying if your other Christian friends are coming along? Not worrying if our non-Christian friends think we are crazy?
What if Christians just believed with the smallest amount of faith that we are the only light of the world many will ever see and we are the only way people are going to meet Jesus?
What if Christians lived together with only one goal in mind which is to serve and honor the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords?

What if all of these questions we could actually do and find a way to bring a GOD revival to our world?
What if the Christian world took a change to be something God honoring? Can you picture it? I can and the picture I see would be so beautiful! WE would have revival, we would have a happy Father in heaven and we would all live lives of freedom. People who see all of us unite together in the one goal would see us change the world with all the power God intended us to have and they couldn't stop us no matter how hard they tried. The world, both this world we can see and the world we cannot see, would know that we are more than conquerors! The war we fight has already been WON! Let's unite together to let the world know that we KNOW this!

What if the Christian change started in you?

Are you ready?
Are you willing?
Will you actually do it?

If you said yes you are willing to be the Christian change in this world first of all I want you to pray and just open your heart to God the Father. Let Him fully take over your soul. Surrender every piece of your life every area every selfish desire to God and give Him full reign over your life to use you as He sees fit. Ask Him to help you in the areas of unbelief and ask Him to use you to bring glory to Himself not you as a person.

After that I want to encourage you to get serious! Tell a friend, in fact tell several invite them over. Let the Joy of the Lord fill your life and erupt and overflow onto the lives of all the people you touch; your spouse, your kids, your co-workers, your church friends and anyone you come in contact with.

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